© Koelnmesse
Mitglieder des Arsch Huh e.V., Dunya Hayali and Prof. Dr. Wassilios E. Ftthenkis
2016 - Dunya Hayali and Arsch Huh e.V.
In 2016, the Didacta Association recognised the important work of journalist and TV presenter Dunja Hayali and the Cologne-based society Arsch Huh. Dunja Havali has shown long-standing public opposition to racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism and supports the organisation “Gesicht Zeigen!” (show your face!).
Since its foundation in 1992, Arsch Huh has spoken out against neo-Nazis, racism and exclusion and runs numerous campaigns denouncing right-wing violence in the form of projects, initiatives, concerts and rallies. Both actors were named didacta Education Ambassadors in 2016.